Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Spam me and you're asking for trouble

I'm not kidding. I am overjoyed to see that there are people out here who are actually reading my stuff, and who might even enjoy it a little. It makes me think that one day, when I decide to grow up, maybe I could be a REAL writer. So, you can imagine how depressing it is when I come across a comment that says, "Wonderful blog, nice job," and I begin to get jolt of happiness, and then I scroll down a little further and see that the commenter has also written, "I sell adult diapers, check out my site--it's KOOL!"

So, to all future readers who feel the desire to try and sell me something, I am not interested, unless you honestly have bottled the secret to eternal youth. And I'm feeling lazy at the moment, but this is a warning: spam my blog with your crap product, and I will INVENT an equally useless product and I will spam you right back. And I will spam your friends. And I will spam your family members. And yes, if your dog or cat has its own website (and I'm sure it does) I will spam that too.

I don't make idle threats. I have a dull job, a great imagination, a serious evil streak, and lots of time on my hands.

You've been warned.


silence said...

I ain't sellin' nuthin ... but I did see that you visited my blog and thought I'd return the favor. I like what you've done with the place. Very nice. By the way, now where I might get me some viagra or cialas?

roro said...

I'm not selling anything either, man - just offering some love for your funny, funny blog.

Speaking of love (your Lava Life and speed dating posts made me spit contraband diet wild cherry pepsi on my screen), I totally found it on the internet - it can be done! Of course, when people ask how we met, we tell an hilARIOUS story about us saving a baby from a burning building and getting the key to the city and then me asking her to go for coffee. My parents still think that's how we met and uh . . . that's okay.

Broom said...

Hi, Katie. I'm drunk and currently procrastinating finishing my recent blog entry of sadness and self-pity. Just wanted to say hi. You seem cool. And you are my age (I'll be 34 in three weeks) and have a cute baby! Let's hang out. Come to New York some time, okay?


Or, well, maybe that's a little harsh. How about "GET A SINUS HEADACHE, SPAMMERS, GET A SINUS HEADACHE!"

Yeah, I can live with that.

katie's brain said...

Oh, that's not my baby--you can find him in the vacation pics in my archives. That's just a random baby pic I found online =) Liked the t-shirt and thought it went well with my entry that day.

Thanks for the compliments guys.

Broom, the closest I've ever been to NY is Montreal, but I've always wanted to go, so if I ever do, we're on!

katie's brain said...

P.S. I'm on my way to drunk. Day from hell today. FROM HELL. I wish it was funny stuff so I could write about it, but it's just too depressing and there are enough depressing blogs around this joint already.

sixsyllables said...

Will you spam their gerbils? Goldfish? Hey how about the mailman too! Oh and In-Laws. You could have some fun with that.

Bethie said...

katie, your blog rawks!

Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?

~ducking and running~

katie's brain said...

Oh Bethie, you did NOT just do that! Be prepared for my Spam wrath!

TheElvenMistress said...

OMG, I hate spammers. I love your blog, and right now, I'm reading all of your posts. They are hilarious. BTW, I linked your blog from mine.