Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Oh now hold on here

I was walking down the street today, feeling a little down, feeling a little tired, stressed out, broke, confused about my future, etc.

And I thought to myself, "this is not what I'm supposed to be! I'm 35! This is not what I thought I would be when I was 7."

It's sad, you know? I would have been a kick-ass ballet-dancing-crime-fighting writer/lawyer.


Larry said...

Have you learned nothing from blogging? This week I learned I could be a 16 year-old girl or a figment of the imagination of a therapist from Louisianna. You can be anything you wish to be, even if it is only on a computer screen. At least you can try it on for size and escape the mime that is peeking in your window right now.

katie's brain said...

Larry, I'm sorry, I'll have to get back to you. I'm in the midst of battling these two weird guys in green rubber masks--fortunately I was able to knock one of them out temporarily with a rapid yet forceful pirouette followed by an incredible gravity-defying jete which I will write about later...let's just hope this doesn't all wind me up in court!

dimlightslittlecity said...

Oh my...if you had shown a picture and resume of my now-26-y.o. self to my then-16-y.o self, she would have immediately been threading the noose. *sigherskates*