Friday, August 5, 2005

Lavalife limitations

OK, yeah, so I have a profile up at Lavalife--what's it to you? Just putting out some feelers, ok?

And, you know, there seem to be a lot of nice, gainfully employed, really desperate available men out there, which should make a girl happy, right?

But here's my problem, and it might seem silly to you....I just cannot bring myself to date a guy, no matter how great he might be, whose profile says, "I'm spontanieus, and i want a girl who likes adventiure."

If this is wrong, I don't ever want to be right.


midwest_hick said...

hmmmmmm.....I'm gainfully employed....can act desparate....but I guess I've never blogged to find a date. Does that ctually happen....and work?

katie's brain said...

Ha! No, see the title. I don't mean the profile here! =)

Nancy Drew said...

i dated someone from LL. everytime he emailed me he said: "Ola". as you can imagine, it got REALLY annoying!

katie's brain said...

Nancy, I'll see your "Ola guy" and raise you one who signed every email with "Tag, you're it!" Cute the first time...not so much the 7th time.

Gern said...

Ok, so it's not lavalife, but what the hell....

I am seldom spontaneous, and want a girl who loathes adventure.

Now will you have my children?

Bad joke....sorry

katie's brain said...

You know what's depressing? That might be the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day!

Gern said...

What's even sadder is that my comment is one of those 90% jokes. The remaining 10% is serious, but hiding from itself behind humor. What can I say? I saw your picture and then read your words "Wow, all that AND intelligence, too?"
But, hey, your blog is way cooler than mine, so it doesn't really matter, does it?

katie's brain said...

Gern--you do realize that the picture in the profile isn't me, right? Just a painting of some random woman I found. I'm not trying to hide--there are other pics of me scattered throughout the blog, but those files were all too big to load on the profile section, and I'm technically inept, so the burlesque girl stays =)

Thanks for the compliment though!

katie's brain said...

Well, now I just feel silly! You never know in these parts!

dimlightslittlecity said...

Maybe you are my platonic heterosexual soulmate. If a man writes to me without proper punctuation or with questionable spelling, it's a direct flight to delete city for him.

katie's brain said...

I've never had a platonic heterosexual soul-mate before! This will be fun!

Yeah, delete city it is.

But I'm facing a new dilemna: my ego loves logging on and seeing high numbers of comments next to my posts...however, many of those people leaving comments are trying to get me to buy toasters and tents. Do I delete them, knowing that they aren't really reading my blog, or do I choose to pretend I have a huge readership (well, 16 people) and continue to allow my ego to bloom?