Monday, August 8, 2005

Return of the Scary Mime

So, I'm walking down the street after work, and out of the corner of my eye, guess who I see? (Yeah, yeah, I know, it's in the title, I'm a genius)....but humour me....give me a drum roll or something, will ya?......

That's right! It was the scary psychotic stalking mime!

Surely this could not be a coincidence?

And he followed me again, I swear to God. He spared me all his mime manoeuvers this time though--it was hot outside--maybe he'd had a long hard day of MIMING. But a couple of times I hastily glanced at him over my shoulder, checking to see if he was still there, and yes, he was STILL THERE, grinning at me like the Joker or something.

Did I do something evil to a mime in a past life? What did I do to deserve this guy? I'd ask him what his problem is, but he'd probably mime the answer.


K said...

That sounds truly horrifying. I think I would cry if that happened to me.

arbri said...

:) thast sounds fun to me. A lot of ppl get bothered but its not thened of the world. i dont see the big deal anyways nice blog

sixsyllables said...

I'm wondering what it means in mimeology if he grabs his crotch.

Bill M. said...

Are there mimes other than scary ones?

Singlegirl said...

eeww that is creepy. I have a fear of clowns and if a mime was following me I would freak out!! Maybe if you gave him one good punch to his gut he would leave you alone. He is a mime, he wouldn't scream or tell.

Lori said...

Holy shit, I hate clowns and mimes too. I would have been frozen in handled it a helluva lot better than I would have.

Last year, one of my dearest friends was in a community theater play. She begged me and my other clown-fearing friend to come see her. We agreed, not realizing the subject matter. The play? Barnum. As in, P.T. Barnum, the circus guy. Clowns abounded. I'm not kidding. We both had to swallow some Xanax before the first act.

kate said...

Hey, great blog!

I had a stalker mime about a year ago. Except, he wasn't actually a mime - he just dressed like one. Which is wierder, I wonder?

Broom said...

Dude, what is up with all these spamming comments? "Nice blog. Here's my site about mold. Check it out if you have the time." Ugh.

So, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I sort of dated a mime. Or, well, slept with him. I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS A MIME AT THE TIME. I thought, uh, he was just an actor. I know, I know, just as bad, but still.

He was a member of the American Mime Society. I kid you not. He was also a fuckin' idiot. COINCIDENCE?

Anyway, hi. You're funny.

katie's brain said...

Hi back. You mean the tent and cheesecake guys aren't GENUINELY interested in my blog?!

This is devastating news.

Thanks for all the comments from you guys who aren't trying to sell me things. Why am I getting so many hits today? Am I on some kind of list? I've gotten more blog action this afternoon than I have in weeks!

Madge said...

Wow. Thanks a billion for posting on my blog today -that sort of thing never happens! (I made the smartass remark about Canadian blogs taking over the world). Anyway, you're safe -- British Columbians rule, as I'm originally from the Pacific NW (Portland). Well thanks again, and...beware of the mimes, yipes!

katie's brain said...

My pleasure Madge--I like the way you write. I'm going to have a hell of a time checking out all these new blogs. I must have finally gotten onto the blog rotation or something!

dimlightslittlecity said...

Everybody loves a clown.
Everybody hates a mime.

Larry said...

LMAO. You could have tried to engage him in a mime fight. Kinda like the robot fight from Eurotrip. Classic movie scene.