Thursday, July 28, 2005

Things that go bump in the night

I should warn you in advance...this will not be one of my better postings. I have no interesting insights today, no funny stories, no stoner revelations to share.

I just have this one nagging thought coursing through my brain.

I hope there are no moths in the house tonight.

Holy shit am I freaked out by moths, and I am telling you, last night, the mother of all moths got into my house and everytime it hit a window, I thought it would crash right through it. It was terrifying! It kept flying right at me, and so I had to huddle under the covers, petrified, shrieking to myself and hoping it would go away.

I turned a light on in another room to see if I could draw it away from mine, but the moth-bat was too fast for me, and right before I could slam my bedroom door shut, it flew in and nearly took out one of my eyes.

It was a hideous creature too...a HUGE giant body under its mottled gray wings, and I swear, I could see its beady little eyes staring me down. It wanted something from me. Maybe it was my sweater, maybe it it was my child, maybe it just wanted to wreak havok because of something its mother did to it in its youth.

A couple of times it lulled me into a false sense of security, and I would pull the covers down just enough to take a peek and see if it was still in the room. Everything would be silent....eerily silent...and then just when I thought it was safe to take the covers off my face, psycho moth would start dive bombing me again. I don't think I slept all night!


weaselgrrl said...

OMG, Katie, I loathe, despise and fear moths too!!!! [shudder] And by extension, their cousin the butterfly creeps me out a little too. People are always trying to lure me into the butterfly conservatory at niagara falls or the zoo, and my mouth drops open aghast -- would they be suggesting I go into an open room full of scampering rats???

simplyfine said...

And I heard it's supposed to be a bad year for moths. Last year it was wasps, this year it's moths. Remember--no matter how big they get, YOU are still bigger than they are, and mightier too. So don't cower in fear, swat the damn things!

enter my head said...

poor baby. i'm gonna agree with simplyfine. swat the damn thing. while i'm making fun of you i guess i should confess what i'm afraid of.... the big coachroaches. the real big ones that fly. i will run, scream, kick, and probably pass out if one is in my home and especially if i'm alone. i know i'm bigger, but theres just something about creatures with the audacity to come into your dwelling.