Thursday, October 6, 2005

So kids....

I'm just feeling really happy right now. In case anyone was worried, based on the lack of posts and the depressing tones of the ones I've put up recently. Yeah, I'm still tired and I'm still poor, and I'm still a bit bored...but who cares? I bumped into some great friends today, hung out with some other great friends, had a decent day at the JOB, one of my classes was cancelled, an old friend called and said she's coming for a visit, I found out two really great old friends of mine from another life are now living in the same city as me and I get paid tomorrow! And my loan is expected to be here on Wednesday, which will pay off my immediate debts! Woo hoo! Anyways, I'm going to take it easy tomorrow and try really hard to work up enough energy to go out at least once this weekend in order to have something so incredibly embarrassing happen to me that I'll have something funny to write about. See how much I love you guys? It's all about the love. I'm actually saving energy in order to publicly humiliate myself so that I can crack you all up. That's what love is, peeps. Don't say I never did nothin' for you!


Bobby said...

congrats. enjoy your weekend!!

J. D. said...

hey stranger

Thought I'd drop by for a hello. Had a few weeks of most limited computer use, just gettin' caught up.

I'll be waiting for something silly and hilarious like only you can.