Saturday, September 10, 2005

What happens when we die, according to my weird but adorable kid

I'm not very religious. Ok, honestly? I'm not at all religious. I call myself agnostic because basically I'm too chicken to write off the possibility, and aetheism seems like too much of a commitment for me.

But my kid has suddenly developed an interest in all things God. He tells me all kinds of weird stories about God, or asks me questions.

I'm trying not to discourage him. I believe that religion is a personal choice and I don't want to scare him from asking questions. However, I'm not terribly well-equipped to answer most of them, so I direct them to my mom who is Catholic but laid-back about it.

The rest of the time my kid comes up with some pretty interesting theories about God and the afterlife all on his own.

Tonight he said, "Mom, I have a really, really hard question for you, and I don't think even you will know the answer."

I asked what the question was, and he said, "If we die, and it turns out God isn't real, what do you think happens to us?"

I told him, "Wow, that's a very tough question. I don't really know the answer to it. Maybe we just turn into air or something and become part of nature, like the wind or the ocean or something."

Then he made this noise like a buzzer on a game show, "aaaaaah!"

So I asked, "What, did I get it wrong?"

And he smiled and said, "yeah, you were way off. The answer is leprechauns!"

I said, "You think if God isn't real we turn into leprechauns?"

And he looked at me like I was totally insane and said slowly, like he was talking to an idiot, "Noooooo, we go to the leprechauns."

Then I asked, "Ummm, what happens when we get to the leprechauns?"

"How the heck am I supposed to know that?" he cried. "I've never been to the leprechauns before!"


dunzo1 said...

LOL...What a cute story! Your son sounds like a little darling! (And seems pretty sharp, too!) How old is he?

katie's brain said...

He' six--and very very creative. He has a hilarious argument for the existence of God too, which maybe I'll post here one day. It had me crying with laughter (but I waited until I was out of the room!).

Lilianne said...

Now that's a kid I could enjoy spending time with! Enjoy him while he still thinks you are capable of everything!

Neil said...

His theory about the afterllife isn't really that much more weirder than what most religions believe...

katie's brain said...

Good point Neil--although I hope he's wrong. The idea of eternity surrounded by leprechauns doesn't hold much appeal for me.

Lilianne--he's a riot--thanks. Although I think he is figuring out that I'm not capable of everything fast =)

weaselgrrl said...

Aren't leprechauns a lot like MIMES, katie? HMMMM?

katie's brain said...

SHUDDER! Isn't there some philosopher who spouted something about hell being your own worst fears? Everyone has their own individual hell? My hell would be leprechauns, mimes, moths flying at me and the soundtrack would be non-stop Mariah Carey.

Madge said...

Holy shit! That's the funniest explanation of "what if there's no God?" ever. Ever, ever, ever.

dan said...


Finn cracks me up.

katie's brain said...

For those wondering what Dan is talking about, one time a few years ago after watching The Black Stallion, the kid ran around in public yelling, "I'm the black Stalin! I'm the black Stalin!"

Susan said...

Please PLEASE write about his existence of God theory. We're getting ready to send our sons to Catholic school, and I need all the counter-theories I can get.

Funny boy you have there.